Friday, August 13, 2010


setiap biro telah diberikan projek masing-masing dan diminta membentangkan projek mereka. as usual biro siaraya, have to do the blog, take the pictures, etc2.

first its Monica as s/u, presenting the dorm fees and things regarding our dorm's financial ;)

and then Kak Syu, giving us the information bout the C3 Recycle project together with Biro Kebersihan

here comes Biro Disiplin. semangat gila bentang fasal disiplin. jangan pakai baju pelik-pelik pergi kuliah. jangan ada taman dekat kasut and so on..

Biro Sukan dan Kebudayaan Memey, bercerita tentang Larian Kakom. aint it fun?

and hermp.. tak payah diperkenalkan.

Che Na kesayangan kami. bagi overall briefing :)

HAAA, ni kenapa kene berdiri ni. bend the rules eh?

OUUHH MAY AND JUNE BABIES. happy birthday!